We are a cashless school
All payments are to be made via your child’s SchoolGateway account. Once we have received your child’s permission slips and consent for a visit/activity your payment will be added to their SchoolGateway account.
Payments are as follows:
Lunch –
The cost of a school dinner is £2.50/£12.50 per week.
Swimming –
There will be swimming lessons for all children, on a rota basis, throughout the year and the cost is £3.00 per session.
Milk –
Milk is free for all children under 5 after which time parents are able to order and pay for milk direct from our supplier, Dairy Link.
Music Tuition
Music Partnership North offer musical instrument tuition at school.
Pupils are offered the opportunity to take up tuition, with group or individual lessons, on a range of instruments. These lessons can take place during the school day or after school. Please contact the school office to learn which instruments are available and the cost of lessons. Payment for lessons is direct through Music Partnership North. Advice on hiring or purchasing an instrument can also be arranged through Music Partnership North. Further information about this is available the MPN website at http://music.northumberland.gov.uk
If you require any further guidance on the work of Music Partnership North then please contact them on 01670 624045.
If you have any queries about School Gateway please contact the School Office.