Whalton Church of England Aided Primary School is a happy, caring school where all children are nurtured and encouraged to reach their full potential through our core values. As a Church of England school the Christian ethos is central to the life of the school community.
We are proud to offer a team of highly skilled and caring staff who provide a rich and exciting curriculum for our children.
Extract from National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools Report:
“All members of the community, and not least the pupils, articulate with conviction the school’s values and their impact… Pupils know that they are loved and cared for, and that, in the words of the school motto, the school ‘wants me to be the best I can be.’ This love and care result in ‘behaviour for learning’ which impacts strongly on pupils’ academic development”.
OFSTED judges Whalton to be a ‘Good’ school (November 2022):
“School leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum for all subjects. Quality training has helped subject leaders to revise and create curriculum plans that support the mixed-age classes in this school well.”
“School routines and behaviour expectations are clear and well established for all pupils, including the youngest. As pupils move through school, systems to support them to make good choices continue. Behaviors is positive….. Relationships between staff and pupils are king and friendly. Pupils enjoy the family environment the small school creates during lunchtime.”
“Pupils say they are well cared for by the adults in school and by other pupils.”
Our successful Federation with Longhorsley CofE First School enhances our school for children, staff and governors.
I would be delighted to show you around school and discuss what Whalton can offer your family.
Please contact us by phone or email if you would like to arrange a visit or receive our school brochure.
Kind Regards
Mrs N Brannen
Executive Headteacher