Whalton School Association (WSA)
Whalton School Association is a group of parents who strive to support the aims of an enthusiastic, hardworking teaching staff. We work closely with the school, agreeing objectives for the forthcoming school year, and then arrange various fundraising events to achieve that goal.
Despite our small numbers, we have achieved some ambitious targets such as the purchase of outdoor equipment and storage, a brand new reading scheme, furniture and classroom equipment. The sociable benefits and the children’s enjoyment at events such as the French breakfast and village fairs are no less important, and we are very happy to provide small treats for the children throughout the year.
We feel very fortunate to be involved in such a wonderful school and we are always eager to welcome new parents.
Please see the links below about how you can help raise funds (all require little effort, and some don’t even cost you a thing – just raise funds for our school as you shop!):
Your School Lottery – www.yourschoollottery.co.uk
Easy fundraising – www.easyfundraising.org.uk
Stamptastic – www.stamptastic.co.uk – use code NE613XH