Our school community demonstrates five core values with Love at the centre which are: Friendship, Forgiveness, Honesty, Trust and Hope.
We are very proud to be a Church School and our links with the Parish are very strong. Reverend Elaine Jones is a regular visitor in school leading worship. The whole School attends regular church services and the children present special services in the Church on a number of occasions during the year to celebrate the major Christian festivals. Parents are invited to share in these services with us.
We participate in a number of community projects in and around Whalton. Some are annual events such as:
- the ‘Whalton Village Show’ in September. As soon as the children return from their summer break, they are busy preparing entries for the various competition classes.
- the delivery of harvest gifts to Whalton residents in October.
- a ‘Remembrance’ service in church in November.
- the ‘Whalton Bale’ which is held on the 4th of July. The children dance on the Village Green and invite their relatives and friends to dance with them. Afterwards, an impressive beacon fire is lit on the Village Green. This event is well supported by the local community.